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Building Capacity to Apply Patient-Centered Outcomes Research and Comparative Effectiveness Research Findings Through Local Health Departments

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Year Published:
Product Code: NA867PDF
Format: PDF

This new report illustrates how local health department awareness and application of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and clinical effectiveness research (CER) can help to inform population health decisions. NACCHO conducted research to assess awareness, and found that PCOR and CER information can be valuable to inform LHDs’ work as community health strategists and cross-sectoral partners. PCOR and CER can help LHDs strengthen their programs and services, aligning them to community needs and ensuring they are based in practices effective for the specific populations they serve. Local health departments also provide a unique perspective in a research partnership, and despite barriers to capability, the capacity of LHDs to engage in and use PCOR and CER can be built through individual, organizational, and systemic efforts, and NACCHO and other national organizations can bolster LHD capacity by being educators, conveners, connectors, and advocates.

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