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The winter 2024 issue of NACCHO Exchange (volume 23, issue 1) highlights multiple “Stories from the Field” from local health departments, covering public health areas that are important across the country. The issue features the following articles:
- Emergency Department-Based, Peer-Led Substance Use Navigation Programs – A Promising Model
- Partnering for Health: Implementation of School-Located Vaccine Clinics with Local Health Departments
- Shuman Juvenile Detention Center Emergency Operations Plan Update
- Strengthening Disability Inclusion Efforts within Local Health Department: Successes and Challenges
- NACCHO Observes Fall Prevention Awareness Week and Honors Local Health Department Actions to Prevent Falls Among Older Adults
- Sharing LGBTQ2IA+ Texans’ Tobacco Prevention and Cessation Stories
- New Resource: Building an Equitable Workplace at Local Health Departments